Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Puppy see, Puppy do!

Okay, so my 12 year old is hard to wake up, some days. Hard to believe, I know.
So, after I called, Jesse, a few times.... I start taking away his pillows and blankets... one by one.... He laughs, and tries to hold onto them, as I pull them off the bed and make a pile.

So, this morning, it's back to 'standard time' so I get to sleep in, right? Well, Nero's not quite into this.... I get my usual wake up kiss/nuzzle, then he lays back down and wait, and waits... Then, approaching the 'hour overtime'.... I feel a tug on the blankets! "Ahtt! No, don't do that!" I say firmly but quietly. He goes to the other side of the bed.... I feel a slight, but constant, gentle PUULLLLLLL, on one of the blankets.... and I raise my head to see, Nero's HUGE BLACK FACE, hieghten abit in anticipation!
"Okay! I'm UP!

"What a guy!

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